Thursday, June 22, 2006

Outlook Attachment Reminder

Have you ever meant to send files as an attachment and forgot to actually attach the files before you hit the send button? If you're using Microsoft Outlook for your mail then the solution is here.

This is cool and at the sametime showcase the extensibility of the Outlook client.


BumpTop Desktop

This is an interesting idea, simulating the actual messy desktop in the computer desktop, but I fear how userful it is?!


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Web Cam - LifeCam

I'm looking to replace my old Logitech webcam which is bulky and shabby. It was a cool device when I bought it 2 years ago, but as with all consumer electronics it's time for a replacement. I was in the process of researching for a better web cam with nice features and importantly which is compact. But now, I'm postponing for LifeCam VX-6000, the latest from the Redmond hardware division. I like the form factor and the features. Bad, I've to wait till August.



Tuesday, June 13, 2006

.NET Framework 3.0

The world is still adapting to .NET Framework 1.1 and here comes .NET Framework 3.0! Actually, Microsoft did a better job is clearing the confusion around the branding of WPF, WCF, WCS, WinFx. All is now .NET Framework 3.0. Still wondering what is .NET Framework 3.0? Head here


Friday, June 09, 2006

Forecasting your death?

Want to know how long will you be here? Check it out here Death Forecast

I tried and I’ll be 73 yrs old before I say bye to this world, what am I going to do that long?


Saturday, June 03, 2006

Catchy movie release dates

Nowadays, part of the hype for a movie is set in its release date. In southern India, usually movies are released on festival eves, and it’s almost a custom to release movies on the start of spring, summer, Christmas holidays. There are some movies where a date or number is integral part and releasing that movie on that date creates a huge hype. One recent movie that missed the date due to unforeseen miscreant act of the terrorists in the V for Vendetta, it ought to be released on November 5th, 2005 in correlation with the significant date in the movie…”remember, remember the 5th of November”.

Another well known movie The Omen, a remake of its older counterpart is releasing on June 6th, 2006 [06-06-06], perfect date I say.


Friday, June 02, 2006

Voicemail - Faster to the Beep

[source : How the number 7 saves you 30 seconds a day - a cell phone hack]

“The number you’ve dialed xxx-xxx-xxxx is not available, please leave a message…” The above link gives a shortcut to bypass this message.

Have you ever called a friend, gotten their voice mail, and discovered that they were too lazy to record their own message.  So you get a semi robotic female voice saying “The number you have dialed x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x is not available please leave a message after the tone, If you’d like to page this person, press X - BEEP.”  If you’re like me you’d just like to bypass the message.

Well just press 7 next time you get someone’s voicemail, it will take you straight to the “beep.”

I’ve tested this on my home phone and it works, but it doesn’t work on my cell phone, wondering why, anyway it is cool to save some odd 30 seconds.


Thursday, June 01, 2006

Cool Windows Media Player 11 Ad

I always felt that Microsoft Ads apart from the Xbox 360 ones are not so cool, guess what showed up on today!


Google’s worry about IE 7.0 search box


I don’t see any reason why Google CEO Eric Schmidt has to worry about the IE 7.0 search box defaulting to Microsoft search engine. It is their product and I believe they have the freedom to set what the default settings are, and believe me they are not stealing/replacing the user settings. I’ve been beta testing the I# 7.0 from when it is available and the search box is easy to use and doesn’t move the user away from using their favorite search engine. When I first upgraded to IE 7.0, I had Google as my default search engine [read had, that was before MSN Search improved ] and the IE 7.0 installer kept my setting and when I searched from the new IE 7.0 search box, it indeed uses the Google search engine. Now, what’s there to worry for the Google CEO if this is the current scenario, he’s not losing any customers! If at all there is something to worry, Microsoft should worry about Google being the default search engine in the Fireforx search box
