Thursday, May 05, 2005

Space crunch and a Window

I know you're wondering what's with the title, space crunch and a window? I couldn't think of a better title. The space crunch is, at the place I work. Since the team is growing, we ran out of offices and employees have to share offices, and I, a contingent staff [contractors and vendors], have to move to a place which was previously a lounge [we use to play table tennis and foos ball there]. At first, I was very disappointed. I was sharing my office with one another person in a single occupancy office with no windows. The place I moved to now, the lounge has glass panes on two sides for walls. The place I choose in that 7 [Yes, 7] occupancy lounge, has a great view on SR-520 [a state highway in Washington] and beyond. I'm so happy that I had to move, that I get a window to see outside. It's so much refreshing than a windowless office. Windowless office is just not so productive, even though you have your own personal space. And moving to this new place has increased my productivity for sure :-) It's also a nice time pass to see all the cars that speed on 520. And not to mention the personal foos table I have now ;-)

I was so disappointed due to the space crunch, but now I'm very happy because I got a great window view work place. Now there, I got a connection to my title :-)



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