Monday, February 21, 2005

Business Presentation and Me

Business Presentation Skills - one of the many trainings we need to attend to better showcase ourselves in this world. I'd always look for such trainings. However this time I was not interested, reason, it was scheduled on a beautiful sunny Friday evening (which is of course rare in Seattle) for 6.5 hrs. I had another session the next Sunday, full day and that's another story. Since I nominated before the weather changed, I had no other choice other than stepping into the training room half-heartedly. All those half-heartedness existed only till the start of the session.

This was my first session with
Infosys Leadership Institute (ILI). Ms. Malini Sathi flew in from India to improve us in this soft skill, which I came to know not only useful for business, but also for day to day life. In spite of me complaining of the duration at the start, we ended up overshooting the schedule and at the end we have to cut short the discussions mainly because it is getting too late. All those are mind opening discussions. I may not be able to convey all the topics we discussed in the Business Presentation front due to IPR issues, but I think I can tell the best part.

The best part of the session is the video taping of us giving a presentation. First we are asked to make an introduction of ourselves for 3 minutes. It doesn't sound that long, but when we stand there facing others, it's sure a lot long. The whole effect of the session is when we get the comments from the audience and the realization in us when watching ourselves making the presentation in the screen. When we see what mistakes we make, it makes a great impact to correct ourselves rather than somebody telling us. For the second presentation, we show cased ourselves better. In that way, this session is a huge success. Thanks to Ms. Malini Sathi for the great session!

I'm still waiting for the copy of the video of my presentation, once I get it, I'll post it here

"Only you can correct your mistakes, none other"



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